Friday 3 September 2010

Will Labour's electoral college give a "split" verdict?

And would it matter if it did?

Every contested leadership election since voting was extended to Labour party members has turned into something of a procession, with Neil Kinnock won 72% of the electoral college against three opponents in 1983, and John Smith taking 91% against Bryan Gould in 1992. The closest we have come to a cliff-hanger was Tony Blair winning 57% in the first round of a three-candidate contest, some 33% ahead of John Prescott, in 1994.

Not this time. As we head into the closing stages of what is by far the least predictable leadership election in Labour's recent political history, I look at how winning candidates could finish behind in one - or even two - sections of the electoral college and still win, in a blogpost over at Left Foot Forward.

1 comment:

Jane Chelliah said...

May the best candidate win. I am not a party member but I do believe that strong and effective opposition makes for a thriving democracy.